John Brynjolfsson

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  1. Slack Link — 1 comments

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Slack Link

If you are registered on Team Saga CREW MANAGER, but not on Team Saga SLACK app, please click in sign up link below.
Slack, as you may know, is an easy to use team collaboration app. Share posts in various rooms, for Team Saga, ranging from “Pretty Pictures” to “Racing Tactics” and “2022 Race Season.”
It is used by teams ranging from tech giants to Bohemian artists.  …

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Welcome (updated 6/11/21)

Ivan is finalizing a “sign up” email that provides instructions for how to sign up, login , set up your personal profile, and set availability using Crew Manager software on your phone or laptop.
Please be patient as we work through nuances of administering this process.
More importantly, Chris,  Ivan and I hope to get the Saga TP52 provisionally launched in early August. …

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Chris,  Ivan and I hope to get the Saga TP52 launched in late July. We will have a few informal sails right after that.

I am in personally traveling July 28 through September 6. But training, as Calendar explains, will start August 1.

Sign up ASAP. Pro team of Chris, Eric, Alex and Chad will lead training regiment, …

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