Practice for Hot Rum

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10/28/2023 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm America/Los Angeles Timezone
Boat Location:
Cabrillo Way Slip L14
2293 Miner St
San Pedro, CA 90731
Practice for Hot Rum @ Cabrillo Way Slip L14 | Los Angeles | California | United States

Be at Cabrillo Way Slip L14 - Sat October 28th @ 10:00AM PDT

Crew Color Codes: Green crew is confirmed. Yellow crew need to verify with Skipper. Red does not crew for event. White crew position assignment not made yet and tally as Maybe - need to verify with Skipper.
 Name Position AssignmentAvailable Crew Comment
AlexMik GrinderMain Grinder
Brynjo Co-Helm
Chadwick Tactician
Clark Coach
ColinS Jib TrimOff Set Jib Trim/ Spinnaker
Danika Co-HelmOff Set Runner
IvanS Strategist
Linds Crew/Fltr
Ricardo Jib Trim
Rutter Main Trim
StevenT Pit AssistPit Assist/ Second Grinder
Ted Bow
Total Crew 12 = Confirmed (12) + Maybe (0) -- Maybe includes Available with no position assigned

Post # 423

Practice maneuvers 1 week before hot rum 1.

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  1. Boat Prep 
    1. Boat Set-up (9:30 AM to 10:30 AM)
       – Orientation at 10:00 AM for newcomers.
       – Store all tackline/skyline inside the Red Bag.
       – Keep all winch handles in their pocket holders (Yellow for Runners, Red for Trimmers).
       – Place all sunshades and winch covers on the dock cart.
       – Disconnect all external electrical equipment and remove dehumidifiers/fans, leaving them at the dock box.
       – Set up electronics, including the navigator.
       – Bring up J2-2 (sail may change) and install batten, leave the sail in the bag
       – Check A2-2 and A1 if they are pack, if not please run the tape
    2. Role and Assignment (10:30 AM)
       – Assign roles: Mast/Pits/Trimmers/Grinders/Runners, Docking and cast-off team, and Spotters (2).
    3. Boat Cast-off at 11:15 AM Sharp
    4. Team Safety Briefing at 11:20 AM on the vessel
    5. Main Sail Hoist at 11:40 AM
    6. Jib Sail Hoist at 11:55 AM

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